Earlier this week, one of our Facebook fans wrote on
our wall and asked:
Does SeaLifeBase overlap with FishBase?
First, let us just say that it is always exciting to hear from our users and "fans". Second, that this is a very good question. After all, 1) our names sound alike, 2) our websites are nearly identical, and 3) we generally provide the same type of data (distribution and biology).
But, the answer to that question is: No, it does not.
Overlap? |
While FishBase covers only fishes, SeaLifeBase assures data for the "non-fishes": whales, dolphins, turtles, sea birds, snakes, crabs, lobsters, sea shells, shrimps, sea cucumbers, starfishes, sponges and all other marine organisms that are not fish. FishBase, with its 22 years of existence/experience, was used by SeaLifeBase as the shell and structure in delivering information for non-fishes to the public.
SeaLifeBase aspires to create and maintain a global information system that provides vital information for non-fish marine organisms --- just as what FishBase has achieved for fishes. SeaLifeBase is still young at 6 years of existence, and with more than 200,000 non-fish species, we have a long way to go. And we are going, slowly but surely.
Written by:
Lealde Pacres-Urriquia
Research Assistant
The SeaLifeBase Project
Image manipulation by:
Jeniffer Espedido
Research Assistant
The SeaLifeBase Project