Dr. Cornelia E. Nauen is one of the scientist
advocates for ocean restoration, conservation and its sustainable use [3]. She
is known for her involvement in policy development and support to various
research projects concerning aquatic biodiversity and marine pollution [2]. For
6 years, she worked at the Department of Fisheries of FAO in Rome. In 1985, she
joined the Development Directorate General of the European Commission in
Brussels. In that function, she oversaw the funding of the first years of
FishBase development combined with capacity building in 50 African, Caribbean
and Pacific (ACP) countries. In 2000, she moved to the EU's International
Science Cooperation [1,2].
Today, she is the president of Mundus maris –
Sciences and Arts for Sustainability, a non-profit organization aiming to save
the ocean [1,3]. The organization promotes critically engaged science,
facilitates access of citizens to research results and seeks to combine this
with “other ways of making sense of the world” in the arts and traditional
knowledge systems. Many activities aim at instilling curiosity and love for the
ocean in young people and schools to realize their dreams of healthy oceans and
being the architects of their futures [3].
CE Nauen has been a FishBase collaborator from the early
days and has published about the importance of FishBase as a shining example of
open access knowledge repositories that empower the public [4,5] now followed
by SeaLifeBase. In 2013, FishBase and SeaLifeBase databases collaborated with Mundus
maris in order to increase public awareness about marine biodiversity and
important issues in fisheries [6]. This collaboration helped to develop the
knowledge and understanding of different people for the advocacy in fisheries
management and regulation. MM Information materials emphasize FishBase and
Mundus maris is currently collaborating with FIN and several other
organizations to celebrate World Oceans Day 2015, June 08, through a youth story
telling contest and events in different countries on the day itself.
[1] Cornelia E. Nauen. https://be.linkedin.com/pub/cornelia-e-nauen/97/259/480 [Accessed 02/20/2015].
[2] Initiative on Science and Technology for Sustainability.
http://www.hks.harvard.edu/sustsci/ists/TWAS_0202/participants/Nauen_bio.htm [Accessed 02/23/2015].
[4] Nauen, C.E. (ed.) in collaboration with C. Bogliotti, N.
Fenzl, J. Francis, J. Kakule, K. Kastrissianakis, L. Michael, N. Reeve, D.
Reyntjens, V. Shiva, J.H. Spangenberg, 2005. Increasing impact of the EU’s
international S&T cooperation for the transition towards sustainable
development. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European
Communities, 26 p.
Nauen, C.E., 2006. Implementing the WSSD decision of restoring marine
ecosystems by 2015 – Scientific information support in the public domain. Marine Policy, 30:455-461.
[6] FishBase, SeaLifeBase and Mundus maris: Science
and art combined! http://sealifebaseproject.blogspot.com/2013/09/fishbase-sealifebase-and-mundus-maris.html [Accessed 02/23/2015].
Written by:
Edited by: Cornelia E. Nauen
Written by:
Edited by: Cornelia E. Nauen